Special Skills/Super Powers/Talents

Friday, April 26, 2013

Howl's Moving Castle - Sophie

Hello everyone! I am back with a long awaited, delayed, new post! This time this skill is on Sophie, from Howl's Moving Castle. Sophie is a young woman who is cursed by a evil witch and is turned into a ninety year old. She searches for the famous wizard named Howl, hoping that he may be able to lift the curse. There is both a book and an animated movie under the same name Howl's Moving Castle. The book has two other books following it, but the main character of the following two books are different. Sophie and Howl appear in all three books, playing a part in the main character's life. Up to this point mostly everything is the same, anywhere after, the plot is extremely diverse. However, the special skill that Sophie has in this post occurs in the book by Diana Wynne Jones. I recommend reading the book first and then watching the anime. You can easily note the differences but still think that both publications are totally different masterpieces altogether. 

Sophie was merely a normal young woman, not involved in magic. However, she has the ability to talk objects in doing whatever she wants. To be more precise, she does not use magical incantations, instead she just commands what she wants done and by magic it will happen. She can also talk life into objects by just talking to the object. 

Sophie as a 90 year old in the anime, after receiving the curse. She's looking quite different, huh?

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